Culver City Symphony
Parness Competition 2024/25 It is with great excitement and anticipation that the Culver City Symphony Orchestra opens the application process for our 2024/25 Parness Competition.
First held in December 1974, we are honored to host our fiftieth anniversary competition this year. For those teachers whose students have participated in the Competition in years past, we are pleased to welcome you back. For those who may be hearing about the Parness competition for the first time, we look forward to both introducing you to our competition and making your acquaintance. For this year's Competition, there will be two rounds:
Applications, with video, are due by December 16, 2024 The live round for selected contestants will be held on February 23, 2025. For further information, please download the Application. Should you have any questions, please contact the Parness Competition Committee at [email protected]
The Parness Competition is sponsored by
Culver City Symphony Orchestra P. O Box 4846, Culver City, CA 90231 [email protected] |
Parness Competition History
In the Fall of 1974, a youth fund was started in memory of Maurice Parness. Parness was a long-time friend, sponsor, and member of the Board of Directors of the Orchestra which, at that time, was known as the Marina del Rey Westchester Symphony Orchestra.
The costs of our Parness Competition and solo appearances by our talented Winners and Honorable Mentions have been supported by the Maurice K. Parness Youth Fund and administered by the SoCal Symphony Society since its inception. The first concert to feature winners of the Parness Competition was held on December 7, 1974 at the Westchester High School Auditorium. "I played with that orchestra in 1992. It was my first full concerto important moment in my life, and an exciting one."
Robert Thies, Pianist, on performing with the orchestra as a winner of the Parness Competition. Mr. Thies later went on to be awarded First Prize in the Prokofiev Competition in St. Petersburg, Russia. The only American pianist awarded First Prize in a Russian Competition in four decades. He is active with concerts and recordings of concertos, chamber music and solo performances. The Competition, and the orchestra, rely upon your generosity. Will you consider a donation to help promote young musicians?